Sunday, 8 July 2007


This 2 photos was captured under full inspiration from the Strobist blog!

Recently, I have read strobist blog that particularly teaching people about using off-flash camera. The blog is very interesting since it teaches about useful information using your flashgun off the camera instead of attaching it on the camera hot shoe. So basically, the blog gives you full detail on how to off-flash using your camera that have hot shoe. It's just amazing.
You can now put your flash gun anywhere. Yeah! Anywhere! All u need is either a pc sync cord or a wireless flash trigger. And for all those three pictures up there, i'm using a cheap (i mean really cheap!) ebay wireless flash trigger! Interested in the technique? just click the strobist link!


Anonymous said...

nice!!! - ain :D

Hanna Rabittah said...

pis.. hehehe.. i have my own blog now! heheheh