Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Rusty Sprocket

Hi everyone! The weather here in UK recently has been absolutely fantastic! Everyone seems to enjoy themselves hanging out with friends, family or the love one. Ok, enough with that, as u can see from the foto... i took this pictures of a sprocket from my friend push bike and covert it to mono using CS2. I've read somwhere in a magazine saying that mono works best with B&W. So i figured, why not give it a try? And here it is... the lovely mono pic of a 'rusty sprocket'

* This pic title made me remind of the word sprocket Malaysian always says it... SPOKET! heheheheh! Go Malaysia Go! Malaysian Style!


Anonymous said...

this one is..GREAT..!
capturing the unseen..
the details are there...and that's the most important thing when capturing b&w pic..
want more please..

Anonymous said...

dont we just love mono? :D

Anonymous said...

idup spoket malaysia & Mat The Who heheh....